Alexis Wheeler

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May Offering Project

The May edition of the Offering Project brings to my mind, a reflection in a pond, in the way that the images of sky and trees appear wavy across the water, and whatever nature may be floating on the surface is in the foreground. The textures and layers of this piece create a pleasing little world of their own.

Today, I am feeling so grateful to have committed to this monthly project. Had I not created this deadline, I may not have begun, or finished, some of these paintings. It's rewarding to show up consistently, and see what happens. That being said, what happens is not always fun or "good," but I have, once again, discovered that there is something deeply meaningful, in faithfully pursuing those things that resonate with the quietest part of my heart.

Written by Alexis Wheeler and edited by Frances Beebe.

acrylic paint and alcohol ink on wood board 12"x12"

