April Offering Project

The April Offering Project painting is inspired by springtime and accidents. Springtime, because it's is like living in a painting with all of the bright blooming flowers, and the green haze of the budding trees everywhere. Accidents, because as soon as I thought this painting was "finished," waiting for it to dry, I spilled my black tea with milk and honey all over it. I knew if I wiped up the tea that I would smudge and ruin it. As I thought about this, I noticed the beautiful shiny puddles that the tea created. I decided to incorporate the tea into the painting in the end, with a clear gel that creates a shiny finish. I love when something seemingly disastrous unfolds - inside the studio or out - into something glorious that I couldn't have planned. This reminds me of the Miles Davis quote, "Do not fear mistakes. There are none" 

Written by Alexis Wheeler and edited by Frances Beebe.

acrylic paint, alcohol ink, oil stick and self-leveling clear gel on wood board 12"x12"

acrylic paint, alcohol ink, oil stick and self-leveling clear gel on wood board 12"x12"